I’ve been active in the conservative movement for 32 years, and I signed up for my #COVID19 vaccine as soon as I could. I got the Moderna shot one week ago. Here’s why I chose to get vaccinated and I encourage you to as well (THREAD).
Diseases are dangerous and vaccines are safe, within any reasonable definition of those words. Specifically, COVID-19 is dangerous and the 3 vaccines approved in the US are safe.
Those who spread theories against vaccines rely on a lot of logical fallacies, twisted definitions, and abuse of statistics. I’ve been in communications for more than 20 years and I recognize these, and reject them. I prefer to be evidence based.
Driving in my car is safe. Sitting in the middle of a freeway is dangerous. Yes, while driving I may be in an accident, but sitting in the middle of a freeway is a lot more dangerous. Refusing to be vaccinated is like sitting in that freeway instead of being protected.
The number of falsehoods spread about these vaccines are too many to list here, and I won’t give them oxygen by repeating them. Suffice to say, I hate needles, I pass out if I watch my own blood drawn yet I signed up for my vaccine right away.

I paid attention in science class in high school and in college. I trust America’s institutions more than I trust Facebook memes. And I have been protected from various diseases thanks to vaccines as I’ve traveled extensively around the world.
My own reaction to the first dose of Moderna was exactly consistent with the reporting: next day I had a slight sensation in my arm, and the day after that I was fatigued. And...that’s about it.

Bill Gates didn’t call me. I don’t feel any sudden urge to buy MS-Windows.
Why am I writing this? Some of my fellow Republicans are hesitant, and as a GOP leader (former chairman, current elected officeholder, long time movement activist) I wanted to encourage everyone to get vaccinated so we can put the nail in the coffin of this pandemic.
Final: The diseases we are protected from by vaccines are truly terrible. Nature is full of pathogens that want our bodies for food and breeding. Vaccines jump start our own immune systems to fight diseases that could otherwise overwhelm us. And we are all better for it. /END
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