What is bpd / eupd?

A thread from someone who has it.
What is it?

Bpd stands for borderline personality disorder. It is the same as eupd which means emotionally unstable personality disorder, just depending where you live it has a different name. It is one of 10 personality disorders.

Bpd comes from a long line of emotional trauma as a child, it can come from being treated with love and validation to being emotionally put down in the same day or every few days. It brings confusion to how to deal with emotion and how one is supposed to be treated.
Bpd subtypes:

Bpd has four main subtypes (dependent, affective, empty, and aggressive). I won’t go into them fully in this thread, but if you’d like me to, I’ll do it in a different thread.

Now, what is it like to have bpd? It feels like a walk through hell every day.
What’s a favorite person?

This person can be a friend, a partner, a fictional character, etc, and there can be multiple. It can feel like you’re only alive for them. Spending time with them is the only thing you look forward to, seeing them sad makes you break a little inside.
People with bpd don’t get to choose who becomes their favorite person, and this is a bad trait because most of the time the person will be toxic, and when they become our favorite person we will ignore every red flag just so that person will be happy with them.

Anyone’s episode can be different than another, and the way they deal with an episode can be different than someone else. Someone with bpd can have an episode where they get extremely angry while someone else can get extremely emotional, everyone is different.
My episodes come and go, and I can tell when I am about to have an episode by the way I start to move very quickly, getting way more social then I usually would be.

My episodes are more on the emotional end where I believe I’m nothing and that no one cares for me. It’s painful.
To deal with the episode, I usually shut every emotion off until I can handle them coming back, one by one.

One of the things that can happen in an episode, is splitting.

Splitting is when thoughts go into black and white. You care, or you don’t. You like someone, or you don’t. In this moment, you’ll say things without empathy, and after you start to feel a deep guilt.

Relationships with someone who has bpd is hard, because it requires a lot more communication from both or all parties. Usually the partner will also be a favorite person, and romantically this will mean that we believe that everyone is better for them.
When the partner is gone for too long, we believe they’ve already given up, and start to hate them in this moment. It’s very painful because even as our brain hates them, our heart is breaking because we overthink a lot quicker and believe these thoughts a lot faster.

The thing about bpd, is it’s extremely common and very often misdiagnosed because of its stereotype of making people with bpd seem like violent, manipulative creatures, and I’m not saying someone with bpd can’t be manipulative, but not everyone with bpd is.
The reality of it is. Bpd is a serious disorder, and it is painful. It doesn’t hurt us just emotionally, but also mentally.

We are more easy to succumb to impulsive thoughts, whether that be to dye our hair or break a bone. Intrusive thoughts are a daily thing.
Being happy is almost impossible unless you’re with your favorite person, talking about it is terrible because there’s no words to explain the emotional drain this disorder brings, and mostly. We’re very numb even with all the emotions we have to deal with.

Now, since I’m not entirely too sure how well I explained everything. I can make another thread, but I’ll link some informational websites for those who want to learn more + tik tok accounts.
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