So I just saw a news segment on a track coach fired for objecting to the demands of the New Hampshire Interscholastic Athletic Association that runners, tennis players, etc., all wear masks OUTDOORS and WHILE COMPETING.

Let me be very clear here....
How far apart are two tennis players on a court? A tad more than the magical (and unscientific) six feet. How fast is the wind moving when someone is running the 400m? To put it simply, outdoors, with air movement, someone would have to jump on someone and....
French kiss them to communicate a virus. It is just that absurd. No virologist with two functioning brain cells in November of 2019 would have done anything other than laugh at the absurdity of demanding masks on competing athletes. But...that was 2019.
Now, of course, hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars have flowed into the medical/pharmaceutical coffers due to all things "covid." And that buys a LOT of virologists, believe you me.
So think about it. These kids have almost zero chance of even getting seriously sick from covid. I mean, they are the fit, active kids. Folks with multiple comorbidities are not running track or playing varsity tennis. In other words, these are the very persons with the LEAST...
to worry about regarding covid. They have a better chance of being killed by two criss-crossing meteorites coming from different directions while running the 100m than they do from dying from covid. So what does the gov't do? Force them to wear masks.
Which once again proves the point, at least for anyone who has not already sold their mind to Big Brother and is sleeping in three masks each night: this is not about public safety. It is about submission and control. Nothing else.
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