A topic that the last panel at #ozconcases addressed was the need for younger lawyers to take up the mantle of public interest law now that Joe Arvay has passed. A few thoughts based on my experience as a law student a few years back trying to pursue that work
As a law student and early in my career, remember I used to tell folks that this was what I wanted to pursue, and a lot of lawyers, profs would tell me not so great advice: (1) that type of work is relegated to the high achievers (top students, clerks) who end up at boutiques...
and not being one, I should set more modest career aspirations as a lawyer. (2) that it was not a serious pursuit, and that if I wanted to do it, I better be "independently wealthy" to embark on that sort of career. Different from folks saying it will be hard, tough
That kind of advice is not only false but so discouraging. I know many law students and young lawyers who took that to heart and pursued a different path or left the law entirely. Don’t crush people’s dreams — especially impressionable folks trying to get a handle of things
It’s one thing to do this work after decades of practice, a financial cushion, support from peers, and another do it right out the gate. From the practical challenges to the serious isolation, emotional toll it can have on you.
I wish we prepared folks for this or at least have a better community that would younger folks can fall back on. And spoke about it honestly in law school. Provided the necessary warnings but guideposts and ways to find supports
This work can no longer be personality driven. We need instituonal buy-in (clinics, law schools, etc) to do this work and systemic reform to allow for it (more generous advanced costs awards). Or, cases that need to be brought for communities that need representation won’t happen
As much as pro-bono projects and big firms devoting some time towards these issues are important, that’s not where the real hard work and transformational change will happen in this realm. It’ll come from folks embarking on this path on their own. We need to better equip them
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