Shippers struggle.

To beat resistance & ship.

Me? Nah. I think it's time to be the resistance.
Seth Godin Taught Us to Ship But Do We Listen? Here's How to Rebel Gloriously Against His Inspiring Wisdom.

👉🏼 Just. Don't. Ship. 👈🏼
Now, for the Advanced Rebel Methods 🔥🔥🔥

Believe excuses and don't ship.

Take fear seriously and don't ship.

Complexity bias - don't ship.
Over-edit until there's nothing left to ship & don't ship.

Generate too many ideas so you don't start & don't ship.

Get distracted by shiny squirrels & don't ship.
Have too much sex & don't ship.

Eat too much and go to sleep before you ship.

Watch the Lord of the Rings trilogy & don't ship, precious.
Believe your imposter self and don't ship even though s/he is an imposter! Don't internalize achievements or trust your value or own the impact you make, you gorgeous thing.

Note your sacred hours but ignore them so you don't ship.
Aim for perfection and then it's tomorrow so you don't ship.

Dismiss your natural confidence and don't ship.

Good job! So...
What would it take to step the tiny step and ship?

No shame, no judgement, no blame or guilt. Just ship.

I mean, you could call it a day if you even shipped this:
✨🚢 maslfkhas dpfon hal jaskdfh asidjhf oqiwjehas dfjih asd,

⚓ la la la lk asdo iosadff oksadjf aslkj

lksdjf 👼🏼

saldfkkjsadflfjw 33@@!! 🔥🔥🌟🤩
I mean, sure.

Who would do such a thing?

The End
For Seth-spiration about shipping:

"...if we’re lucky, this is the heart of our work. The work of creation in our chosen medium, putting ourselves on the hook, being asked to do something that’s never been done quite this way before."
For 3-minute meditations to get you in the right headspace to ship:
Some creative shipper somewhere is waiting for inspiration, anchor down and no wind.

Send them wind, would you? Retweet this thread so their soul doesn't starve.

See ya on the big blue.
You can follow @AlexIglecia.
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