should this all go through, we may up with a system more problematic than the "inequitable and broken" one this replaced
Australia has always loved a good residualised welfare policy, but the way algorithms are being weaponised within welfare state policy implementation is frankly truly evil.
Also, should this legislation pass - the next thing the Coalition government will come for is asset testing. We means test more than any country in the world. The NDIS is unlikely to stay immune, I fear.
this government has gone from 'let's hurt the poor' through algorithms , to 'let's hurt the disabled' through algorithms. They've learnt nothing from the robodebt scheme, least of all that that won't get away with it.
People will fight this, as they did robodebt - which is and was very expensive for the government.

Its myopic, it's nasty and it goes against the responsibilities of governments to provide for and protect their citizens.
finally, the tune review (edited or not) is being used as cover to call independent assessments and the various other reforms an 'equity' measure. It's the opposite: IA's etc will see Indign and CALD groups more marginalised from this scheme than they currently are
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