I have mixed feelings and maybe even controversial thoughts about the “law of attraction” 🥴
I just don’t believe you can *think* your way into the life you want? 😭 that makes up a very very small part of it but it’s branded as all you have to do is believe and it’ll happen! yes I know there’s more to it than that, but that’s kinda how it’s branded...
I was raised in a household that was one paycheck away from homelessness (and in fact we were homeless off and on for months at a time several times) and you don’t just...girl boss/manifest your way out of that 😩
and yes I understand how manifestation works. I am the living embodiment of it. I literally have the life I want. so trust me if anyone understands this I do lol but everyone can’t do this. “changing your mindset” is just the START of what makes successful people successful
and I will always encourage people to mentally and emotionally try their hardest to prepare themselves for the life that they want because it’s very very important!!! and it’s motivating as hell! but let’s be honest even “working hard” just isn’t enough either
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