tw? maybe idk also im ranting so if u dont wanna hear that then ignore this
ive had such a shit day omg i want to just fall out my window but ik i cant i have a huge project and i just got my braces off a few days ago and i feel so fucking ugly and i have to go see someone+
+tomorrow and go to the mall and my social anxiety does not like buying things and my mom just screamed at me because im being a dick bc im in a really bad mood and I've just been sobbing for like the past 20 mins and im tired and my best friend is barely putting effort into this
tw// body mention
friendship and i feel so alone and scared and tired and idk what to do because i have to get this project done even tho my teacher barely gave me instructions and my moms pissed at me and everything is going wrong today and my ugly chunky fat ass face and body
are making me so mad/sad that i dont look like the pretty ppl online and I'm only 14 which is so young and all the people i know online are much older and probably think I'm a weird 14year old little girl when I'm j trying my best to have friends man I'm so tired
//end of thread
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