Wow Val? Really another Ons theory thread that is based off of opening and serapuchi?

Yes another one!
So I made another thread not too long ago. Based off of the lyrics

“And if we lose you to them we may never survive
You can leave but you must first believe
Just one more step at a time and keep your head up and
You’ll be free”
So based off of how easily asuramura got to demon mika from dream mika. I think that we’re very very close to getting a true reunion between the two+
Ahh sorry, but back to the lyrics. I believe that since the distance is so short yuu will be able to reach both mika’s. However the first is going to wake up soon, so yuu will most likely promise to save dream mika and he’ll take demon mika+
(Based off of this serapuchi panel I believe that yuu will truely see how much mika meant to him also, and he said that he’ll come save him. Meaning that Yuu’s goal will still be turning mika back into a human++
Ugh sorry this is out of the place
To add onto the lyrics, I don’t think the squad expected their demons to betray them. As seeing as kruls reactions too, I think shikama will try to capture dream mika and have the demons by his side+
There may be a final battle, however shikama’s side may have the upper hand. During it, I think yuu will be able to reach out to mika and he’ll awaken his seraph allowing him to be free from shikama+
It leads down to this picture in chapter 94. Mika sweetly smiling at himself and yuuichirou. We don’t know how this will work out in the future but I have faith

Adding onto this theory, I looked over serapuchi and found this panel as well++
As silly as this looks, mika has wings as well as being fine becoming his sword. I think this was foreshadowing in the future, I literally just lost the link so if anyone wants to send the chapter to me that would be great+
Sorry for the sloppy thread! I hope you enjoyed

- end of thread -
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