I have been working on a thread that breaks down the claim of safety through "layers of protection" in BCEd.This is more important now than ever considering VOCs have become prominent infection in BC. Below is an intro invitation for reflection before I post the coming thread.
I have taken the restart plan media press release from August and have cut it down to 18 min. I know--long-BUT it gives a clear indication of the promises made (and broken) and the reassurances given to parents and staff that formed the basis of their pledge of a safe restart
As you watch, I invite you to compare the situation as it was then to what it is now. I invite you to think about the level of honesty shown in regard to claims about school staff involvement.I invite you to consider and comment about your experiences of safe-equitable- learning
I want you to think about the promise to be adaptable and flexible in the following of scientific best practice-in order to keep our children and staff safe. There are threads added below to address misleading claims and issues not addressed.
Lastly, I invite you to think about the things they speak of (hint: that schools don't actually have) that form basis of safety claims-masks,distance, who transmits, exposures, cohort safety, efficient tracing, low community spread*worst case scenario is happening frequently now
Take a look and reflect on where we have come from and where we stand now..and ask yourself if we are doing all we can and all they promised-below are extra threads that give the perspective of advocates for safety https://www.veed.io/download/de3e486c-ec58-4eea-bcf7-b6bf3d894f99
As you read this thread I would like you to remember the claims of collaboration and respect for teachers and their role in this plan. Look at the MOE's expression when Rob Shaw mentions teachers say "this is the wrong plan"--because it was--the issue is still not fully resolved
The only people that have not had an active say in this plan---are the people forced to work in unsafe conditions---while our government claims we have been valid, respected, stakeholders. https://twitter.com/ms_k_haatic/status/1373098779390451714?s=20
This next thread is in regard to the MANY parent voices that went ignored-those arguing for better protection for their vulnerable children and family members.There ARE vulnerable students & teachers sitting in classes,or sitting at home w/out a teacher b/c voices went unheard👇
This next thread was in regard to the continuation of the upset parents were feeling about a smaller percentage of peoples voices making decisions that put many families at greater risk. https://twitter.com/ms_k_haatic/status/1373328071504236546?s=20
Why does this all matter--because we are in schools based upon promises and assurances that were falsely claimed, based upon safety claims that aren't true, and plan that has NOT adapted to current scientific understandings.
I was especially upset when I recently heard a prominent decision making voice in these video segments say they want to challenge the narrative that we need to go above and beyond for our children's safety in light of new scientific understanding.
To me that is absolutely unacceptable as a parent--and seriously disappointing as a teacher being made to work in unsafe conditions. Watch the video--reflect--stay tuned as I disseminate in the coming days in a thread, BCEds--"layers of protection"
My goal--is not to just point out the falsehoods--which I do believe necessary to do while our government and leaders make false claims; but--my hope--is with better public knowledge we demand changes in order to provide--actual--best practice safety to keep schools open---SAFELY
Our government needs to be accountable to their promises and reassurances. Our leaders need to make sure ALL voices are considered and included and best scientific practice is followed. Especially with the increased danger from variants of concern. There is much more we could do!
You can follow @ms_k_haatic.
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