Hey. I’m just gonna talk about this for a hot minute so buckle up.

Heteronormativity is not just assuming that someone is straight, it also means that LGBTQ+ is somehow other or an exception, rather than just another reality.

It is another form of homophobia. https://twitter.com/_Ot7_army_bts/status/1380480410090672133
When you tell someone “stop talking about bts sexuality” you aren’t saying stop talking about their sexuality, you are saying “stop saying they are gay” because you are automatically, whether or not you know it, making the assumption they are straight. Why?
Because you believe that heterosexuality is the default factory settings for humanity.

But it’s not.

It’s one of many sexualities which have existed for ages.

This conversation ONLY happens when LGBTQ+ people talk about an idol being gay. And why is that?
Because stans think they are somehow protecting them by saying “don’t assume their sexuality” but why is it something to need protection from?

Why is being LGBTQ+ something that you want to continually to other and make it seem like it’s wrong. Why do you think they would be+
offended at being called gay or bi or pan or whatever? When, even if they were straight as an arrow, they have continuously used inclusive language and pushed against heteronormativity.

The ONLY people having a problem with BTS and gay in the same sentence are homophobic fans.
Heteronormativity *is* homophobic actually. Thinking heterosexuality is the default sexuality *is* homophobic. You don’t have to actively hate me or the community to harm us. Your continuous assumption that homosexuality is not normal and your refusal to normalize it is harmful.
You know what it would look like in a perfect world without homophobia?

We probably wouldn’t say “bts gay” because we wouldn’t long to feel validated and normalized. Because we would already be.

Stop being queerphobic.
It PISSES me off when people say “don’t assume their sexuality” when it comes to LGBTQ+ saying “bts gay”. YOU have already assumed their sexuality because we live in a heteronormative society. You have already assumed they are straight because society says that’s the default
Guess what? A queer sexuality is just as possible as heterosexuality. We are not a fcking exception to reality.

We are NORMAL human sexuality, just like anyone else. It’s not perversion or an abnormality.

We want to love and to be loved. We are NORMAL.
Oh yeah.

Expecting queer people to have to “come out” before you believe there is even a possibility they could be queer, yeah, that’s homophobic too.

You don’t expect straight people to come out, do you?

Why is that?
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