Rating jjk ships based on ao3 fanfic ranking (no x reader)
1. Satosugu: 4/5
I haven't read any fanfic with only them, read one but with sukufushi and the angst is just so good! I love their friendship, the feeling of being young, sexual tension, betrayal, and what ifs
2. Itafushi: 4/5
Love the angst so much! The friendship, falling in love, grief, and moving on. I always imagine them as the color orange, like sunset and soft sex, hugging each other as the time runs out, just bittersweet 😭
3. Goyuu: 3/5
I don't have any feelings for them lol It's cute, my friend ships them. I can see why people like it tho, Gojo has this monotone life where his only purpose is to become sorcerer and Yuji is just very bright and human.
4. Gofushi: 4.5/5
I can imagine them healing and understand each other. I ship them but sometimes I feel like they're better as exes who still deeply care for each other and more like a familial love. As lovers, Gojo will be very posessive and Megumi indulges on the affection.
5. Sukufushi: 5/5
Do I even need to tell you? I just love them. Sukuna seems very loyal, a person that rarely falls in love but when he does he really means it. Megumi is a closed person and he needs someone who is openly loving and gives him everything, the reassurance 👌
6. SukuIta: 3.5/5
I like it, I don't read the fluff but I read the smut and it's hot af! I don't know what to think other than the smut lol I've tried the fluff, it's okay but doesn't give me that soft feeling. Maybe because I ship sukufushi so it's hard to imagine them.
7. NobaMaki: 3/5
It's okay, I also don't have feelings for this ship. I support it tho. They look cute, I can imagine Nobara trying to do a makeover to Maki, basically just cute girlfriends.
Or I'm bored af and I'm making this thread as if my opinions matter

Also this feels like the type of thing a youtuber would do đŸ€Ł
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