In 1875, an eleven-room house was rented for $320 a year by a Toronto women's bible study group led by Elizabeth McMaster Opened on March 1 they set up six iron cots and "declared open a hospital 'for the admission and treatment of all sick children.'"
For over 145 years The Hospital for Sick Children treated kids ONLY. Now the hospital is taking adults into their ICU and for the first time in 145 years. In Saskatchewan, Regina has a COVID variant of concern that spread so dangerously that the situation is fully out of contro
If you think this is a Toronto or a Regina a problem then you are wrong. This third wave is underway in a massive way and if we don’t get this third wave under control then the major asymptomatic spread happening will serve as the nucleus for a horrible fourth wave in few months
In one week of work in saskatoon I took care of four people who are fighting for their life with a diagnosis of COVID-19 ( among many other patients with different diagnosis) 2 were under 30 and 2 under 40. All younger than me and I like to think i am really young
That is four people who may not be able to live a normal life even if they survive their ICU hospitalization going forward because their lungs may have a life long lasting injury. They may not be able to live a life that doesn’t include being out of breath.
That is 4 young people who may not be able to walk, Play with their kids, perform their job, have sex, exercise, or do anything that needs some ordinary level of physical activity without being out of breath. Surviving COVID-19 is one thing Living with its consequences is another
My experience is not unique, every colleague of mine in the country has a story like mine or much worse. Folks, do two things 1)Protect yourself and follow safe practices 2)Get your vaccine of any kind when it’s offered to you. AstraZeneca is amazing vaccine.
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