has so much big-brain theory behind it, it can be inaccessible to many #altcoin degens/moonboys (like me).

In this thread, I'll try to outline a simple use case for each $FVT feature/dApp. ✌️  (live on $ETH & $BSC) - Free weekly bets on which coins will perform best - win $FVT and 'influence' for your ID for being correct.

We 'crowd-source' what the biggest gainers of the week will be - this info might be useful...🤔💰  - (live now on $ETH).
Basic Pool - Staking with guaranteed APY upfront and no lock-up period. Current APY = 100%.
In the future - Staking 'games' with groundbreaking tech to avoid pool places being hogged by whales.  (not live) - Use your anon ID and hard-won 'influence' to decide where $FVT goes next.

WE decide what chains to go to next, WE decide which parts of the roadmap get built first.  (not live) - Two main use cases (AFAIK).
1. Running real auctions for #NFTs and other assets.
2. Helping other tokens with price discovery - what is the *real value* of your newly launched shitcoin? This info also might be useful...🤔💰
Also planned (WE decide, remember)
Lending, a launchpad and an ama platform.

All this run by a doxxed team, led by the incredible @DrNickA who is on TG every day and runs weekly calls for holders.
🔥 Doxxed team, big brain CEO
🔥 Community driven roadmap
🔥 Under $10m Mcap
🔥 Cross-chain
🔥 $LINK & $REEF partners
🔥 Buy on $ETH & $BSC
Multiple DeFi uses:
💰Anon IDs
💰Prediction markets
💰Future $DOT / $KSM parachain🤞

$FVT - future DeFi bluechip
PS: I'm just a degen like you. Check my follower count, I ain't no influencer/pro-shiller so I may have got some things slightly wrong/missed stuff - I'm sure you'll let me know. 👇👇DYOR!
You can follow @SomosUnid0s.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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