I want to push back in my writing on reviewers demands of my social location. Of course our positionality informs our biases and distributions of power matter, especially when we are working with/from communities that have been marginalized.
So often those who make these demands treat self-location as a checkbox in methodological protocol and I think it does little to actually disrupt bias and the politics of power in representation (or I think @BillyRayB introduced me to the language of "the trauma of description.")
I know I can write "I am an Indigenous white multiracial post-religious colonially disciplined radically leaning queer blah blah blah" and my work will be read a certain way. But that doesn't make my work ethical. It could still be horribly violent.
Just because you can perform the now hegemonic task of self-location and do the intersectionality routine in a journal doesn't in and of itself produce anti-oppressive scholarship. It produces actors and rituals of the neoliberal academe.
I want to do this whole "locating" differently. And reviewer 2 be damned.
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