Continuing on from

I have barely spoken to any of my friends about this. It's embarrassing, it feels like I did something wrong. I found out just last year (my surgery was in very early 2018) that my surgeon is, in fact, infamous for complications.
I learned this from an article published in an online feminist publication about how a lack of information and openness lets shitty surgeons take advantage of trans people.
I can't stop thinking about how every step that lead me to using this surgeon came from desperation resultant from lack of access, from lack of a future, from lack of money.
My vagina is now small and painful and mostly scar tissue. I want to get a revision but I'm terrified of even looking into it because I'm afraid that it's basically impossible to fix.
I often tell people I wish I'd just gone with an orchi but that's really not true. What I really wish is that I hadn't been forced into going to a quack.
I'm bitter, really. And now every time I see another post-op trans girl I'm filled with a far more bitter dysphoria than I ever had preop.
I wish I could give this thread a happy ending. Best I can do is tell you that I have very supportive family of choice, and that someday I'm going to have the money and courage to get a revision.

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