Ratlasun in season 2 made no sense whatsoever - a thread. https://twitter.com/fuckjuless/status/1380552458901057542
I completely understand that caretaker exhaustion is a thing that actually happens. Even Aksin acknowledged that when she told Celasun while she was recovering that she would be willing to divorce him. But it was so badly handled. It was terrible.
While Aksin was not well mentally, we had all this tragic romance vibes, only for Celasun to make a completely 180 and go all "I love you Karaca, Aksin who?" as soon as his wife GOT BETTER? And behind her back too?
After constantly rejecting her attempts of showing him affection, while lying between his teeth that all was good with them? And then getting all hurt when she told him after Sena's death that he was no longer a good partner?
And then Celasun doing another 180 when Aksin died, and mourning her like he was desperately in love with her still, when the most recent writing had shown plain and clear that he wasn't? Clownery.

So yeah, you'll have to excuse me for the complete lack of investment in him.
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