Trans thread as I watch the replay of Kang Seungyoon on Park Sohyun’s Love Game Radio on 210409
#위너 #강승윤 #KangSeungyoon
@official_yoon_ @yginnercircle
(I don't know that I'll translate everything and how much detail this thread will go into but given that Park Sohyun is our resident IC DJ, watching this radio appearance is like watching him with one of us 🥰)
After PSH introduces him she says she got choked up during the intro… as someone who has seen since he was a 17y/o on SSK2 to then go through his solo is coming out, it’s not, as someone who had to wait for such a long time for him to cb and be on air just got her choked up.
PSH says she had a lot of thoughts while listening to this album, how much he must have gone through while making it... and when she first heard the title song she wondered whether the weight KSY bore as WINNER’s leader was too much all while also being the maknae
She says it made her made me wonder, did we put too much on you, and she started to feel guilty. She notes how we always depended on the leader to explain the songs...
how if we didn’t have SY the broadcasts were a bit more difficult… you always had to keep it going even though you’re the maknae, even when you were so very young.
Yoon insists no, no, that b/c of all those experiences he is here today as he is.
PSH says he grew up so well
PSH says Yoon is going to sing the congratulatory song at her wedding but since she doesn’t know when that will be, she asks to hear a bit here today and Yoon sings Instinctively while she films like a proud IC
Afterwards she says she most wanted to hear Captain and says she'll have to get married in order for him to sing it at her wedding
She brings up his failed ending fairy… then read a comment asking if going fr group promotions to solo promotions, is he lonely?
Yoon says in situations like this he does a bit, when no one is besides him. Its nice if the members are next to him helping to fill up the audio.
PSH: When Mino was here last he said how big KSY’s empty seat was.
KSY: Yeah Mino has said stuff like that..
PSH: He said even if he wrote the song, the song explanation would go to Seungyoonie
PSH says she first invited KSY back when he was that 17 year old kid… she tells him that even though he didn’t end up in first place she only invited Kang Seungyoon...
She says actually many people tell her she only like idols but that’s not true. And she notes that he wasn't an idol back then, but she could immediately tell that he was such a talent musician so she invited him
PSH: I never would have thought you’d become an idol.
KSY: Of course you wouldn’t have thought that..
PSH: Neither of us would have thought it… you had no idea either
PSH says that when he left that first invite he said since his album was coming out soon, we’d see each other soon. But she notes that it ended up taking over 2 years. And says how he’s grown up and he’s returned with his first full solo album in 11 years.
After IYAH live, she mentions how professionally he handled 365 coming out accidentally when he was supposed to sing IYAH.
She mentions the story behind how 365 was written and hearing the behind story about how it was about his dad, she honestly really had a heavy heart... that when she hears the song she can’t just enjoy it in a carefree way
But after today with the staff accidentally playing 365 during the broadcast she'll think of this when listening to the song and thinks she'll be able to listen to 365 with a slightly lighter heart
She asks what part of 365's lyrics he likes the best and he says that he thinks the part that expresses the entire song is in the bridge
Where it goes "if the end of his life could be in your arms then I could die here and now”. He says it starts there and continues “if you were to say the single sentence that you’d return, I’d wait for years. He thinks those two lines express the song the best.
ICs sent in suggestions for his next ending pose and someone said since he failed at unfolding the paper, what if he folds/balls it up?
PSH says she saw the clip where he threw down the paper after he failed. She's laughing noting how he threw it down but then how he picked it back up.
They read some other suggestions and read one where he would say something after he finishes… Yoon thinks they shut off the mic so there wouldn't be any sound. PSH suggests he can mouth it and say "Inseo, saranghae"
KSY: I'll do this for his last music show
PSH: Mr Kang Seungyoon, you have to do this well because we’re all going to be anticipating it… if you fail what are we going to do…
KSY says since he only has to mouth this, it’s not hard
PSH: If you can’t do this successfully, I’ll truly track you down…
She’s so cute, she made him practice for the camera LMAOOO
They asked Seungyoon to pick 4 songs from him album and the first song is Skip. When asked why he picked this, he thinks it goes well with the current weather... with the flowers blooming... its a feel good song when you go on a drive.
PSH thinks it’d be good if Youtube contacted him.. to use this song for a commercial
Seungyoon is confused, thinking that wouldn’t work… wouldn't it not work to say to skip the commercials?
PSH: No it would be to advertise their premium service, an add for their premium service
She notes how at least have to watch an ad for 5 seconds before skipping the ad and she must have thought the 1,2,3,4,5 counting was related to that? HAHAHA
PSH continues that as she was hearing Skip she thought that Kang Seungyoon must not be a premium Youtube subscriber
KSY says she’s wrong and has been for a while… but says he wrote this song for the listeners to be able to relate to it and didn't think about it in this context
PSH: So what kind of youtube contents do you watch the most… is it related to animals, or music, or fashion?
KSY: It could be bit different but watches
PSH groans with a knowing groan… and says 'ahhh those darned watches… no matter how time passes, since you were young you were all into watches and shoes' 😂
PSH suggests he write a song about watches… perhaps a story about a watch or a message related to a watch… since his love for watches has gone on for a long time
His next pick is Obvious and he says he just wrote it in a fun way, it's not a song that contains his sincere feelings or anything. It's lighthearted but he felt like the message of the song went well with the feel of the song
The as Obvious is playing she goes "You're serious about dancing aren't you"
OMGGG she must have seen him rate himself 100 on dancing! Anyways she laughs as SY says he is.
PSH asked what kind of choreo he thinks would go well with Obvious and he demonstrates a part that acts out some of the lyrics
She asked since he's also an actor whether there have been any scrips where he knew from the beginning that it was a good script, without reading the end.
He says he has gotten that feel from just reading titles and continues that of course there were projects that he didn't end up being fated for... but that when he saw them he thought they'd do well
PSH clarifies so they were projects that you weren't ultimately cast for... and when Yoon affirms she says you're too much, you're too much... and says so you had to watch someone else do it later on...
KSY: Yes and it did well
PSH: Is there anything you want to say to that director
KSY: What i have to say is that I didn’t have that much time at the time so… the director really wanted me but..
PSH: Right, because directors always want you to be all in… but since you’re in a team and was working on music for that team ah… so it wasn’t meant to be
PSH is sooo curious what this was... but notes that we’ll look forward to the day when we can see Kang Seungyoon in another good project, a good movie or drama
The next song he picked is Captain and after they play a bit of it PSH asks if he could do the Yes, Sir part again... and says she likes it soooo much. She asks how he came to use the older words/phrasing in the lyrics of the song
SY says the feel of the song, with the snare and the rhythm, overall he thinks it has this older feel from the 50s and 60s.. the culture… the feel of the bars back then so he wanted to increase that feel and express it with older phrasing…
SY also says he wanted someone hearing this song to hear the story of an older couple in their 60s
PSH agrees that you’d have to be an older couple (that had that much history) for such a story that goes back and forth
PSH also mentions that Captain is also a fan songs for ICs and as the master of making fan songs that this is a story that can only be told after 10 years of history… to say I’ll protect you…
PSH: Kang Seungyoon, when you needed, did ICs save you?
KSY: They did. They saved me, so they're my captain
PSH suggests that later on when he can have a concert he suggests that we, us ICs, sing this song. So KSY can close his eyes and just listen. She wishes that when these restriction pass, we ICs can all practice this and sing this for him at a concert.
You can tell Seungyoon is touched by this idea and says he wishes that day would come quickly.
PSH once again asks him to sing a bit of Captain and afterwards says and that the happy ending... that its our story... that those elements made her so happy. She once again reminds him that her wedding congratulatory song will be Captain.
The fourth song he picked for today is the IYAH track with YJS.
KSY says he picked this because he picked some more upbeat songs in the beginning today then with this last track he picked, IYAH, that its a really meaningful song, its a song that can’t be anything but meaningful.
He says there’s a part where YJS as his mentor gives him advice directly kind of as an adult with more life experience, that itself was so meaningful for him. And that the last line in the song is a YJS narration where he says you grew up well.
PHS asks he sent YJS a video message
KSY: I can’t always contact or see you that often but I’m always thankful to you in my heart and will not forget my roots. So if you could remain by my side as a great senior, a great teacher, I’ll try, like you have, to walk an amazing path.
PSH responds with those same three last words... you grew up well
PSH says since he’s gotten great advice from seniors and gone through audition programs, she brings up how iKON is on Kingdom and are really working hard. She heard that SY gave them a lot of advice and support.
SY says whenever he has time he goes to the agency and cheers them on.
PSH: They’ll probably say this later on, how such a great help and support you were
SY isn’t sure if he was a big help or support but PSH is sure he was.
SY says they’re going through a lot and that he always wants to be a hyung and a friend that supports and cheers them on.
PSH asks who he gets comfort from when he's having a hard time, like what did he do when he had a hard time working on this album?
KSY says his biggest comfort are his fans. But also it's the people around him, the people working with him like from Team Winner... to iKON... to his producer hyungs… so he tends to go into work often because there’s a strength he gets from these people.
A fan said she’s so nervous but excited for the video fansign .
KSY says he’s done these w/ the members but this is 1st time doing it himself. He wishes they could do in person fansigns so its unfortunate they can’t, but he’s looking forward to it and can’t wait to see the fans
A fan wrote in saying she saw his Balance Game on YT and asked him if he were to be reborn, would he rather have his dad be Song Mino or his son be Song Mino
Seungyoon's incredibly thoughtful and moving response I translated separately in this thread earlier.
But tears again... just tears 😭😭😭
After SY lightens the mood by joking that also its because Mino has a lot of money…
PSH mentions Mino's royalties… asking SY if he knows that they're higher than his.
SY says he knows...
PSH says Mino by being in the top 25 is really no joke...
SY jokingly looks to the camera and goes… you bastard 😂
PSH says to be that high is an amazing amount of royalties.
They play Bruise and SY thinks everyone can relate to just spacing out/being dazed, looking out the window… where you get sad. He wanted to express such times in an easy and honest way. He thinks it’ll be a song others can relate to and hopes listeners are comforted by it.
SY also thinks that we all need such times sometimes
PSH agrees and thinks its such times that make us grow/mature.
As they start closing up PSH asks how it was today
SY says it was a really happy time and he was glad to be able to talk about the songs, communicate with the fans, and to just spend this time with Sohyun noona herself was really a meaningful and happy time.
She asks him to send a msg to ICs
KSY: So to start, Im going to sing Captain for Sohyun noona’s wedding so please be understanding, even if its a song for you all. Saranghae!
PSH closes by saying let’s meet again next time with an even better album. ICs, love you!
(end of thread)
That was such an emotional roller coaster of a radio show.. tears tears and more tears! Its different... at another level when you get a DJ who knows someone as deeply, as long as Park Sohyun has known W and Seungyoon. She truly truly is a fellow IC!
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