some of nct members as game of thrones houses, a really slight thread:
Nakamoto Yuta ‐ House Targaryen

- endless charisma
- overwordly beauty
- ruthlessness
- unstable dangerous mind
- don't make them mad
Lucas Wong - House Stark

- straight shooter
- a true warrior
- he'd do anything for you
- trust him
- deep down melancholic
Ten Lee - House Lannister

- very clever
- determined
- cunning
- ambitious
- don't do anything bad to him he'd probably pay back
Johnny Suh - House Baratheon

- plays to win
- interested in looking fabulous
- sometimes has a bad temper
- stubborn
- brave
Lee Taeyong - House Martell

- you can't force them to anything
- hedonistic
- #1 fighter of gender equality
- thoughtful and wise
- lovers of everything joyful
Jeong Jaehyun - House Tyrell

- enjoys luxury
- cunning and manipulative
- less violent of version of Lannisters
- fashion icons
- seems harmless in the beginning then slowly destroys you
End of thread. I did this to entertain myself I know it's gonna be flop. Bye.
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