On Google Maps looking at small Quebec towns. It's mind-blowing how every tiny village has a big, magnificent, glorious old Catholic church. And they'll all be gone soon if nothing changes. Catholicism's decline in Quebec is such a tragedy (God-willing it reverses soon). Thread:
Town: Saint-Chrysostome
Population: 2,522
Church: Saint-Padre Pio
Built: 1860
Town and church: Sainte-Martine
Population: 5,461
Built: 1867
Town and church: Saint-Anicet
Population: 2,626
Built: 1888
City: Thetford Mines
Population: 25,709
Church: Saint-Alphonse
Built: 1908
City and church: Saint-Henri
Population: 5,023
Built: 1879
Town and church: Saint-Victor
Population: 2,430
Built: 1899
Town and church: Saint-Elzéar
Population: 2,107
Built: 1854
Town and church: Saint-Isidore
Population: 2,581
Built: 1888
Town: Farnham
Church: Saint-Romuald
Population: 8,330
Built: 1905
Town: Champlain
Church: Notre-Dame-de-la-Visitation
Population: 1,664
Built: 1879
Town and church: Sainte-Thècle
Population: 2,478
Built: 1905
Town: Hébertville
Church: Notre-Dame de l'Assomption
Population: 2,441
Built: 1883
Town: Saint-Georges-de-Windsor
Church: Saint-Georges
Population: 911
Built: 1870
Town and church: Saint-Barthélemy
Population: 1,883
Built: 1866
Town: L'Assomption (yes, the town is called "The Assumption", I love Quebec so much lol)
Church: Assomption-de-la-Sainte-Vierge
Population: 20,065
Built: 1864
Town: Warwick
Church: Saint-Médard
Population: 4,766
Built: 1874
Town: Trois-Pistoles
Church: Notre-Dame-des-Neiges
Population: 3,456
Built: 1887
Town and church: Sainte-Luce
Population: 2,851
Built: 1840
Town: L'Isle-Verte
Church: La-Décollation-de-Saint-Jean-Baptiste
Population: 1,469
Built: 1855
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