words of radiance thread here we go fellas
this isn’t going to be live bc i just can’t read fast enough to do that so i’ll give my thoughts ig,, idk i’ll probably delete this in a couple of days lol but i’m gonna try to make it work
sanderson with another banger opening line
i automatically dislike gavilar bc he’s talking to amaram, is a king, and disparages the good name of dilfinar kholin with his supposed attractiveness
shadesmar seems terrifying but all i want to do their js ~chill~
i love jasnah‘s characterization in this
i just love jasnah i think
Jasnah was pretty. Lush of figure, tan of skin. Immaculate eyebrows, lips painted a deep red, hair up in a fine brad. Though Jasnah was twice Shallan's age, her mature beauty was something to be admired, even envied. Why did the women have to be so perfect? -the most bi paragraph
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