A follow-up, to explain why I wrote this... https://twitter.com/rolandixor/status/1380603420801953805
I'm in a very good place right now. I'm feeling on top of the world, being productive, feeling positive on most days, taking care of my intake, enjoying life, etc.

But, that doesn't mean I don't have to be watchful of the dark times that I only recently got past.
Every day/time I log in here, or any other platform for that matter, or watch/read news, I have to be watchful - because I know I'm about to be bombarded with some messages about how terrible men are, how toxic we are, and how little we are worth/worth listening to.
I know some people write from places of pain themselves, and many of the issues being brought up *need* to be addressed.

But the approaches used are not helpful.
Every day, I'm reminded of the days when I *wasn't* supported, or listened to, or had any idea of how to handle my hidden pain and suppressed feelings.
...and it makes me think of all the men who are still in that position, and who turn to social media (like I did) as a sort of "last resort", to find a place of refuge.
And then I remember that no one thinks about them, or cares, and that even saying things like this is usually just met with mockery and ridicule because "They should just get over it!"
But isn't it funny how the same people who *act* like that, are often, even usually, the same people who harp about "patriarchy!" and "toxic masculinity!" - and essentially blame men for even *their own* (men's) trauma?
And isn't it interesting that the men who choose to speak up, are mocked and silenced, and accused to trying to "steal the spotlight from women"?

I assure you, we're really not. But I just want to know... where are we *supposed* to go? What are we *supposed* to do?
Where can we go to not get preached at and harangued for every problem in the world, where people will listen to us, too?
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