quick friday jobs post! here are a few positions on my radar that I think exciting for tech workers looking to work on public sector things. a range of experience levels, too!
san francisco digital services is hiring for a more junior front-end developer, looks like they'll work on permitting and building a pattern library to drive out the implementation https://twitter.com/carriebish/status/1380318528885059584
san francisco digital services is also hiring for two design-adjacent roles: a senior UX designer for housing (deadline may 10), and a senior design researcher (deadline today, april 9)
california office of digital innovation is hiring for two full stack developer roles. my understanding is that they're building a team and there are currently few different focuses. click on the "duty statement" to get a feel for what each job might be: https://digital.ca.gov/ 
we have a lot of jobs open at code for america, across many disciplines! the couple I'll highlight are our design manager and two senior service designer positions across safety net programs.

check 'em all out here: https://www.codeforamerica.org/jobs 
code for america will be opening applications for apprenticeships (software and UX design) soon—stay tuned for that.
if there are any other jobs you think should be in this thread, let me know and I'll consider adding! I'm excited by how there seem to be a growing number of opportunities for folks earlier in their career.

happy friday!đź‘‹
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