
i don't tweet much about personal stuff & #microaggressions toward me are personal.

this past Wed. the same thing happened to me 2x in one evening

I needed a snack so i wouldn't grocery shop while hungry.

As I walked in the gas station, a young women about 8-10 ft away moved her boyfriend away from my general direction and shuttled him to a different area, with urgency.
at the grocery checkout line, a gal was paying in front of me.

I waited about 7 ft away. As she grabbed her receipt I, I moved to set my groceries on the belt.

Her man quickly inserted himself between me and his gal . . . about 5 ft away & shuttled her to their 2 carts full.
4/?? In their haste, I noticed something fell out his pocket.

I projected, "Sir, is that your wallet?"

He seemed surprised & still in fear, rushed like a phy. ed. shuttle run to pick it up then run back to his gal & groceries.

* i was wearing my black #mplscitysc hoodie
* i was wearing a surgical mask
* i may have been moving quickly -- as I do when hungry

BUT, would these 2 thing happened to me if I were white as the other 4 individuals?

if you experience this regularly, you know the answer.
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