The GenZ/Millenial western man has been given a raw deal.

We grew up in a futuristic world. Our food is never more than a few steps away. Large & small electronic boxes know exactly what we want exactly when we want it & deliver it to us on demand.

Doesn't sound so bad?
Time for a thread. A thread about the state of the world, the state of society, and what men can do to fix it.
As a result of this new, hyper-processed & plasticized reality, many men fall into the consumer mindset.

First and foremost, it is man's responsibility to be a producer.

Man's at his best when he takes his creative energies to build a better life for himself and his tribe.
Instead, society has evolved in a way that has emasculated man.

Xenoestrogens are inescapable; "Food" products are all he eats; The digital age keeps him indoors when he should be getting fresh air and sun.

We are told that "dad bods" are preferred and weights are dangerous...
Anything to keep man from being man is promoted to the mainstream.
This indoctrination starts from a very young age.

Men who escape are vilified for their masculinity. They get canceled or pushed aside (and even pedastalized so as to make masculinity seem out of reach).

Males across America must recognize their status. Our ancestors were warriors, farmers, smiths... they toiled in brutal conditions for us to be here today, to enjoy what life & tech have to offer. Instead, we've become sissified cogs in a machine.
We are throwing their work away.
Testosterone levels are plummeting, the earth is dying, microplastics and chemicals have penetrated all levels of the food chain and are even being discovered in just-born baby humans.

Some even believe that humanity could end on our watch.

Because Men aren't being Men anymore.

The earth desperately need Man to reclaim masculinity. We have allowed snake-like entities, self-concerned and hungry for more, to seep into every level of every institution.
We have allowed the frivolous lives of celebrities and sports stars to take center stage in our lives.
We have been lulled into a stupor while our sons' futures are being stolen from them.

When will we stand up and say, "ENOUGH!"
When will we take an honest look at where we are headed and realize we must correct course?

It is within all of us, to do something about our raw deal. Nobody is coming to save the day. That's MAN's job. It seems the smart men figured out long ago where this game ends.
Just like John Galt, they put their heads down and did what was necessary to secure safety and freedom for their own. What they didn't calculate was that as they focused on their scenery, the enemy got to work.

Now we who remain must pick up the pieces.
We no longer have the luxury of fleeing. Here is where we make our stand. Today is when we start.

The world is running out of time and if we don't act together to right this ship, it will keep charging straight down the waterfall (to the cheers of the normies).
To the male reading this—one who could be a man: it's your duty to put down the beer can and the remote, take a good look in the mirror & at society, and begin at once to rectify what's wrong.

It may take years to fix the damage that's been done. That doesn't mean we don't start
We need to do what this situation requires of us, we need to get to work:

Get in shape, put down the processed garbage; Stand up & say something; Run for office, start a men's group, join a church...

Don't fall into the negative vortex. Stand and FIGHT!

It's now or never.
Special thanks to the inspiring gentlemen who helped me write this thread
You can follow @RealHappyHogan.
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