@StoaHQ's ikiguide session helped me with something I was really struggling with.

What makes our life **authentic**?

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Ikigai, the concept which is now on everyone's lips. I was afraid of reading the book, because I was afraid there was no gold at the end of rainbow. 🌈

This session reminded me that Ikigai is not about the destination but the journey.
Q1: What are your superpowers?

I struggled to answer this, because I along with my fellow stoans were not confident about the answer. I hadn't saved anyone's life, so how can what I have be a superpower.

Turns it's how you help others in life and what they thank you for.
Q2: What are you a hidden expert of?

Something people may know about us, or it can be a secret. This is important because it reminds us of something we love doing.

We may not be spending a lot of time doing it, but it gives us immense joy when we do.
Q3: What are your shadows?

Sometimes it's our strengths holding us back the most. Shadows come in when you overdo you strengths and pull you down. Like problem solvers evaluating everything instead of simply listening.

Once we see our shadows, we can be self aware.
Q4: What is your leverage?

The one thing that we have which opens doors and brings others towards you. A currency we use to get what we want without money.

Tough to define for all of us. I haven't found it yet, but i know the signs to identify it better now.
Q5: What is your passion?

This is the most abused question everywhere. Turns out I was looking at it wrong this whole time.

It's not what you do, but the high you get by doing something.

This discovery was a meditative experience in itself.
Q6: How do you listen to your soul?

Unfiltered stream of our subconscious, that calls out not the outcome but the experience we are all craving.

Our soul can tell us if we are doing justice by asking what we need more from this journey. For me it's creativity and connection.
Q7: What issues make you speak up?

We all advocate causes in our life, a lot of us are unaware of these. They help you root towards a better world. They remind us why we are doing what we do in the first place.

For me it was mental health, low confidence and vulnerability.
The final question was on how we can revisit thoughts, ideologies and beliefs and rethink them from ground up.

Vuja De.

Similar to first principles, this encouraged us to deeply ask why, what if and how might we. Questions which motivated me to pursue design.
At the end of the session, it was like discovering a lost child.

@StoaHQ could have taken the traditional business route, but this is what separates them. The deep connection they want all of us to build with ourselves and the world.

@kunksed @bizaditya forever indebted to you.
You can follow @dilip_pi.
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