🚨 The attacks on trans kids are not stopping in Arkansas. In the last 24 hours, the West Virginia and Kansas legislatures have approved bills excluding trans women and girls from high school and college sports 🚨
That's not nearly the last of it. Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, Louisiana and more have seen bans proposed on trans athletes.
Mississippi, Tennessee, South Dakota, and Idaho have already passed bans, excluding trans youth from one of the basic units of community life, especially in small towns and potentially subjecting cis girls and women to invasive strip searches or medical tests.
And it's not just sports: several other states are considering health care bans like Arkansas that would kill trans youth by denying them access to lifesaving medication
Arkansas isn't even done making life harder for trans youth - they're now considering an old-school BATHROOM BILL like the one that cost North Carolina hundreds of millions of dollars.
These sports bans are a solution in search of a problem. Lawmakers proposing these bans have struggled to find examples where they felt that a trans girl unfairly won. North Carolina high schools have had less than 10 requests for trans girls to participate in two years.
Trans people are not even getting included in the conversation about our rights that's happening right now. A new study from Media Matters found that most TV networks covering the Arkansas ban did not include ONE SINGLE trans voice. We need cis people to speak up for us.
Which brings me to this: cis "allies" - where the fuck are you right now? Your trans friends, relatives, neighbors, and coworkers are under attack all across the country and I have seen SO few cis people with platforms in media say one word about this. We. Need. You.
The absolute defeaning silence as the walls close in on us from all the cis people who told me they were so proud of me for coming out as trans is something I do not think I will EVER forget. When you told me you thought I was brave, I didn't think you meant it as a warning.
Does it help if I say that Trump encouraged these bans?
Support the Trevor Project if you can. Support the ACLU's lawsuits against these bills. Donate to trans GoFundMes and mutual aid funds. And please, PLEASE, call your legislators WHEREVER you live and tell them that trans rights are human rights and that trans people belong.
You can follow @AriDrennen.
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