House Democrats on FDR's court packing scheme in 1937:

"We recommend the rejection of this bill as a needless, futile, and utterly dangerous abandonment of constitutional principle."

"It is a proposal without precedent and without justification."
"It would subjugate the courts to the will of Congress and the President and thereby destroy the independence of the judiciary, the only certain shield of individual rights."
"It stands now before the country, acknowledged by its proponents as a plan to force judicial interpretation of the Constitution, a proposal that violates every sacred tradition of American democracy."
"It is a measure, which should be so emphatically rejected that its parallel will never again be presented to the free representatives of the free people of America."
"It is a proposal without precedent and without justification."

"... violates every sacred tradition of American democracy."

"Its ultimate operation would be to make this government one of men rather than one of law."
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