This is the most 1% question I've ever seen: how can I invest my money to make loads more while I'm dead but cryonically preserved and waiting to be brought back?
Inevitably I have ended up on the cryopreservation company's website and am now down a rabbit hole I suspect I won't come out of for some hours
From my limited knowledge in this area, it seems like a wasted effort to try to preserve the existing body & brain rather than 3D print new ones that are atomically identical, though no one has ever been able to tell me whether an atomic reprint of my brain would have my memories
If so, what atoms can I change to alter the memories? If I switch this bit for this bit, can I change all memories of my mother to include Elvis Presley instead?

Help me, I'm not getting anything else done today
Weird Friday-afternoon theoretical science BS plus cat pictures, my Twitter account is great value
This is, pun intended, quite chilling

When you're cryopreserved, you're not frozen, you're vitrified -- essentially, turned into an amorphous solid, like glass [1/2]:
It's going to be like Arrival!
OK I got to the point in the @waitbutwhy article where it starts talking about four vitrified bodies being stored upside-down in a giant thermos with a COLUMN OF HEADS in the middle and I think I'm done with this
Who knew that looking at "most popular posts of all time" on r/UKPersonalFinance for money tips would end up here
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