Love hearing from other ex New Atheist types! Especially from other ex Muslims (sadly rare) who find the rightward direction of that scene to be alarming. (Sharing with permission)
Msgs like these really make this work worthwhile and make it feel like I'm not just speaking into the nothingness of the mic ♥️ (sharing w permission)
Anyway a few people have asked if I will take on other deep dives as part of Woking Up..& honestly at first I thought I couldn't handle it. Because one awful dude has been so exhausting to cover in detail. But..maybe AFTER a break...I might be open to it, if enough ppl r into it
What do you think?
Aaaaand if you have not yet checked out Woking Up, and are interested in this sort of content... episodes 1-4 are now public. You can find them in this thread or on your podcatchers.
Episode 5 is still a Patreon exclusive, available here
You can follow @NiceMangos.
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