I live in #saanich. There was a public works project on my street. I thought it was a good opportunity to transform an invasive, non-native ecosystem on my boulevard into a pollinator-supporting ecosystem.
I applied for and received a boulevard permit, seeded and planted native grasses and flowers, and received an exception to the reseeding process at the end of the public works project.
My front boulevard, reseeded with Kentucky Bluegrass yesterday (after talking with several contractors throughout the month and showing them the work I'd done):
Note the lack of native plants (they were buried by the soil the contractors spread). Note the lovely Kentucky bluegrass seeds, freshly watered (the green fluff).
#Saanich; please do better. Please support those who are working to respond to the climate emergency to support pollinators, native species and drought-resistant ecosystems. Communicate better with your contractors. Take the climate crisis seriously.
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