This is so powerful ❤️
The Gospel.
I always loved how DMX prayed and spoke the Word. It was always so aggressive and about 2 years ago I discovered this song from Him and I used to use it for prayers because that aggression of His was birth by conviction.
What DMX did was not easy at all. He was one of the most open Believers in the entertainment industry - also one of the biggest rappers. It even affected his growth in mainstream media, but He had his peace in the fact that He was loved by God. Priceless lesson to learn.
And now that He is passed, We celebrate His life because He always spoke about the Gospel that saved Him, and gave Himself whole to it. That is part of His legacy within the entertainment industry, and it should and will be remembered. This is DMX
One thing I loved about DMX was how transparent it was about His struggles, and this is exactly why I think Believers should be open to accepting those that might not fall into the traditional view or shape of a Believer especially within entertainment.
I am so happy for the life He lived + how He lived it. There are many that live lives and are under influences that you do not know, and this birth struggles you can't understand but the Gospel is more than able to save all that believe. He is resting ❤️
The Gospel of Jesus (death, birth, and resurrection) is able to save in this life and next. I am glad DMX is now resting from all his struggles and disappointments.

The Rapper,
The Believer,
The Legend.
More testimonies will flow
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