Saw a comment this morning on another platform. I'm saddened to say that I can see his point:
Everyone who is expecting mass resistance to Biden's socialist authoritarianism is going to be disappointed-- I became convinced of this by the spectacle of unquestioning obedience to authority in plandemic lockdowns & mask nonsense. I saw mass numbers of people crippled by fear
..and they are still crippled by fear, despite vaccination. I see people who still refuse to walk into a gym, a pharmacy, a restaurant or a social event because they think it's a death sentence.
And if told by the media to empty the shelves of the local grocery store because Armageddon is imminent, they will do so (and fight with the fellow-panicked to get what they can).
We're not willing to organize a boycott, or a work stoppage; we won't stop paying our taxes for a single day, and we refuse to defend our statues & war memorials against leftist vandals...
-- and now you confidently expect armed resistance when when the Democommunists unleash national security and the military to confiscate guns??? Where have you been for the past 50 years??
Few on our side will pull themselves away from talk radio to go protest the brainwashing of their own children at the local monthly school board meeting. "Lock-n-Load" my ass-- you people are in for a big disappointment.
And if a brave few should resist, the Democommunists will gleefully order the US Military to open fire and shoot them dead-- while the cheerleader Democrat media eagerly reports the victorious suppression of another White Supremacist Armed Insurrection--
-- and the spineless Republican leadership will fall right into line. And so will you.
And now, from me. The reason I can see his point - we let them take our faces with this mask horseđź’© FFS. Not a whimper.
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