Aite bet gonna just include info I believe relevant to bajans from the questions ppl have been asking

1) as stated before the ash in question ain’t the ash we get from cane fires. It’s a genuine hazard especially for ppl with respiratory issues. Met office keeping y’all informed
2. While volcanic tsunamis are a thing they are associated more with underwater volcanoes like kick em Jenny or if a land volcano has flank failure or in extreme cases, if the volcano causes some tectonic movement and causes a quake
3. Leading on from 2 and kick em Jenny. I am sure they are monitoring it rn but an eruption at one volcano doesn’t mean nearby ones will also have an eruption so no need to panic
4. Look out for a beautiful sunset this afternoon, the Sahara dust and ash in the atmosphere gonna cause more scattering
5. Yes the ash is great for crops because of the abundance of minerals such as potassium and phosphorus
if you have a home garden it would be wise to store some in a bag that you can use on the soil later on
6. I’ve actually heard about people selling volcanic ash to farmers after the fact so...AFTER it settles you could do with that info what you may
7. SVG may need our help. To what extent is unknown and you aren’t obligated to do anything...but not being a dick is a good start and it’s free
8. I am a final year Geography major doing a thesis in disaster risk perception to hurricanes and tropical storms

I also have experience in DRM, project management, disaster contingency planning and a heavy interest in climate resilience

msg me if yuh have work.👍🏾
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