I am not a royalist in any way, shape or form but think it's appropriate to point out that whilst Prince Philip was actually fighting Nazis the Communist Party of Great Britain were actively campaigning for us to stop fighting Nazis.
Some people question the veracity of this but it's historical fact really. The CPGB official line 1939-1941 was to oppose the war. Of course they gave a "rationale" for this but by 1941 this was all in tatters. More details here https://www.marxists.org/archive/dutt/1939/11/01.htm#15b
In addition a lot of people don't realise that the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact led to significant economic deals between USSR & Nazis most notably in the form of a Credit Agreement where the Soviets supplied the Nazis with massive amounts of raw materials https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German%E2%80%93Soviet_Credit_Agreement_(1939)
This Credit Agreement meant that the Soviets in effect supplied Hitler with much of the raw materials he needed to invade Western Europe, conduct the Blitz/Battle of Britain and ultimately invade the USSR itself.
Of course the USSR paid a terrible price & there's no doubt that the people of the Soviet Union then acted with great courage to help defeat the Nazis. But the collusion of the Stalin with Hitler was a terrible thing. And the CPGB supported Stalin and 1939-41 opposed the war.
The British hard-left don't really like to talk about this today. And yes, significant parts of the British hard-left supported the war throughout. But significant parts didn't. So don't point fingers at actual Nazi fighters without acknowledging hard-left's own failings, eh?
And yes, of course, it's far more common knowledge that parts of the British right & aristocracy were sympathetic to Hitler and some actively supported him. But lots didn't as well with Churchill being the obvious stand out example. History and life is complex. As always.
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