I spent two hours yesterday disabusing my 22 year old son of the notion of "alpha male."

It was EXHAUSTING but I'm pretty sure I got through to him.
This "alpha male" BS is being peddled on YouTube & in podcasts as self help.

When my boy said "red pill/blue pill" I about lost my damn mind.
At one point I said to him, "So I'm am ex army Ranger and a war vet. Would you consider me an alpha male?"

Him: Of course!

Me: Well I don't.

Him: What!?! Why?

Me: Because that shit doesn't exist. Those assholes are weak minded men. Stop listening to them or you'll die alone.
At one point he starts talking about how crying is only for "beta males."

After explaining, then showing him scientific evidence of the actual measurable physical & psychological benefits of a good cry...
...and telling him I cried like a baby when he was born, when I see old pics of him, when I think about how I felt when his mother kidnapped he & his brother as toddlers I think things started to make sense to him.

It's POWERFUL when a young man to sees or hears his father cry.
At one point, to show him he's just a curious 22 year old trying to find his way and that there's still time for him to come to better conclusions about being human I told him some of the ridiculous stuff I believed when I was 22.

I find vulnerability can be shown in many ways.
Vulnerability is one of the things I told him makes him stronger.

"We can't learn about ourselves unless we open ourselves up to pain son, that's just life. Your "alpha male tutor" is too weak inside to know that."

That hit him like a rock on the head.
None of this makes me a hero y'all, I'm just figuring out parenting by the seat of my pants like the rest of us do.

I believe most people would've done the same had they found their offspring starting to walk such a bad path.
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