TW/CW: diet, weight loss

As more and more stores get their summer collections, when I see some of the items I often catch myself thinking that that particular item will look great once I've lost more weight. But honestly, I've never hated my body, and I wonder why I'm starting +
to have these thoughts now. I've always been plus-sized, even when I was a child and I've learned to live with it and even love my body, despite being bigger than most. I suppose one of the biggest 'issues' for me right now is that I don't want to buy too may new clothes when I +
don't know how long I might be able to wear/fit them, as I am planning and working on losing weight, so it'll feel like a waste of money to buy lots of clothes for the summer now, when I might be thinner then, and then having new clothes that don't fit. I might look into +
adjusting clothes myself so if I buy something now, nothing will go to waste. I'm also not really sure what I'm trying to achieve with this thread, I just needed to vent a bit, I suppose. Though, if any of you have great solutions to this dilemma: please let me know, haha ☺️
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