The cure to homelessness is not The Government. It’s not more money. It’s not social “justice.“ It’s family.

The homeless people I’ve known generally fall into 3 categories:

1. Substance abusers who would have a home with family if they would commit to getting and staying...

2. People with mental health issues who would have a home with family if they would regularly see their doctors and take their meds.

3. People who have suffered tragic losses and have no family support system to help them. These are the people the church and...
...parachurch organizations used to help. The decline of Christianity has fed The Nanny State. The more we feed it, the more it grows. And since The State has no solution to what ails mankind, its programs fail.

We need family. For some with no supportive family of their own...
... the church *is* that family. ❤️✝️
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