5 big ideas I try to live by:

1. The 1% Rule.

Don't try to make perfect work the first time. Create small things regularly, and focus on getting 1% better in some aspect each time.

Over the long term, this results in huge skill gains, along with a real body of work.
2. Show up and have something to show.

"Lucky" opportunities happen at the intersection of two practices.

First, spend a lot of time creating, honing your skills, and building valuable things. Second, go to events, reach out to people, and interact.
3. I am NOT the product of the five people I spend the most time with.

I don't like this advice because I've seen people take it to mean they should abandon their "less productive" friends.

Just as you look up to some people, others look up to you. Be around to help them.
4. Be a Solution Finder.

The ability to independently find solutions for tough problems is incredibly valuable.

But easy access to search engines makes it easy to get in the habit of giving up when a solution isn’t immediately present.

Avoid this and build tenacity.
5. Ego hinders growth.

Being wrong is okay.

Though having my views challenged will always cause my emotional side to go on the defensive at first, the best possible response afterward is to let that guard down and ask myself, “Could I be wrong here?”

Often, I am.
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