while i hoped that the alliance still showed strong disapproval over eren's action despite understanding him, im now getting why armin said what he said. all throughout the eremin talk, his face showed nothing but remorse and horror with what eren has done leading him to tell him
"there's another way" but both knows there isnt and there ever won't be one bcs this is the "only" way. and i get why he didnt go off telling eren it was WRONG bcs his expressions ALREADY showed his disapproval all along the chapter
it was his LAST talk with his best friend so i understand why he leaned and resorted into telling him he's gonna utilize what his fucked up best friend did which is what the said best friend wanted
but the expression he held while saying it fucked it up for me and for many people, it feels at first like his thanking of eren felt like an opposition to what eren wanted, but all along eren knew he was understood despite knowing he was wrong. and i think it was what the scene
was trying to deliver, it was just the expression that confused and conflicted people including me.
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