My Problems with Attack on Titan finale :
-Horrible message to the series (God changing how we are being the only way people can stop discriminating against each other is a really bad message)
-The cast hailing Eren as a hero for commuting genocide while they were condemning it earlier. It was so out of character especially for Reiner.
-Speaking about Reiner, they ruined his nuanced character, have him a really bad conclusion, had nothing to say really in the story's final arc. Eren killed all the dynamic he had with Reiner for his childhood friends
-Eren x Mikasa wasn't built up properly at all. I don't think Isayama wanted to either. Making an ending like this hinges on the idea that there is real chemistry between Eren and Mikasa. A good example to this is Edward and Winry in FMA. This wasnt good.
-I think the biggest issue with the last chapter and Eren is how unclear it was in portraying him as a slave to fate and the idea of freedom. I think if they made that crystal clear and made that the thematic point of the chapter it would be a lot different.
-Aot ending was a poor man's code geass. The thing with lelouch is that his sacrifice made him an even better character because he was partially doing what he does for petty reasons like revenge and personal reasons like protecting his sister and it was the perfect conclusion-
for his character even though realistically world peace would never be obtained by that. Here one good thing that happened was world peace wasn't obtained and they're still struggling for it but about Eren's character idk I think it made him a lot worse. I can't look at Eren the-
same honestly. Some of the lines post time skip were so meh now. I'm honestly sure Eren has been retconned.
- I didn't like the fact that the people from paradise (especially Armin and Hange) didn't question the consequences of stopping eren and what it meant for the island if they did. It felt like the author told the characters they'll get a happy ending if they stopped Eren.
There wasn't enough conflict about it which was what AoT was all about. Its what Marley arc was all about. The allaince would definitely work and it's a great plot structure but they didn't handle it in the same nuance they handled previous arcs.
-Final chapter negatively recontextualises the brilliant portions of post time skip Eren with his fake deep character storyline.
-Historia didn't have a single line post time skip which is sad. I thought Isayama was building her up for the final chapter and her baby.
-Dumb plot stuff like Falco looking through memories of previous titans, finding a flying Titan ability, being able to master it in a few minutes all in a span of a day of getting his Titan powers.
-A lot of the path stuff weren't further explained which sucked
-Connies entire character boiled down to his mother.
I'm open to positive interpretations of the final chapter to see if my opinion changes on anything.

The Characters who didn't get ruined

-Zeke (imo even though I know other people would say he fumbles)
Because this thread is getting a lot more attention than I initially thought, I wanted to clarify that I am a huge fan of AoT and the series meant a lot to me. This thread was the 2nd part of my first thread which talks about what the series meant to me.
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