Something I learned working in nonprofits for eight years: anyone obsessed with being “good” is probably bad, and anyone obsessed with being “bad” is probably good
I think a lot of the time when we are so caught up with the idea of ourselves as “good “ it can be… Extremely hard to grow and change.
When I was at my most self-righteous, being a radical was part of my identity in a way I don’t think was healthy. “Doing the right thing “wasn’t something I was exploring, it was something that I was convinced I already knew the answer to.
I’m feeling a little bit embarrassed because without elaboration, this sentiment is pretty… Black-and-white, the type of thinking that can be really limiting for people.

We deserve nuance, you deserve nuance!
when you are constantly thinking about how to change and grow, it makes it easier for you to accept new information — not just about the world, but about yourself. That’s some thing that’s really hard, and I was being very flip in the above tweet.
In many places I have worked, I’ve witnessed many people, (including myself!) unwilling to grow and change, because accepted that we NEEDED to grow and change meant understanding ourselves as not already GOOD (we can always grow and change!)
And it’s frustrating, especially when the world is always changing-and there’s always new information that can make things better. But in nonprofit spaces, there’s a protectiveness around identity as “good” that makes it hard to change
I triple dare someone to say PMC on this thread
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