#dream's journal as a kid

purr thats the sound of my favorite thing in nature. cats! most of us like something from nature. mine is cats theres no one good reason i like cats. there's many! cats have these natural instinct to know when your mad or sad. sometimes whenever i get-
angry at my friends or family, all 3 of my cats will be meowing and purring around me. the good thing about cats is when your gone, theyre asleep but when youre there, they are always wide awake (dream laughing: idk how true that is though 😂)

dream my beloved
another entry

My bestfriend is awesome. he is funny when he needs to be. he is always nice and respectful to others. he is trustful, if i tell him something, he doesnt tell anyone. he is the bestfriend i could ask for.
snow entry

i live in florida which is always warm. if i had to choose here or a place thats snowy, id choose here so snow would be all the more special.

...we dont have sleds so we use container lids. we do races and jumps too...
why i shouldnt have a bed time

clink clink spare some change. thats the sound of me if my bedtime is at 8 pm.

if i had a bedtime, i would have no time, no sports, no friends.

after getting home from school, i have to go to football practice everyday. football practice is-
sometimes 2 hours. when i get home from football, i eat the lovely dinner my mom cooked for me, then i do my chores. thats already basically my bedtime! are you out of your mind?!
if i try to do my homework before i go to school i would be rushed! have you ever seen a squirrel in the middle of a road & then BOOM a car comes along & then the squirrel beds across the road- that squirrel would be me never be able to just finish my sweet walk across the road
speedy sprinting, grass flying, he run for the touchdown. everyone has a hero (insert dream uncontrollably laughing adding a disclaimer: i was a kid!) ...everyone has a hero and mine is adrian peterson. supersonic- thats how fast he is. i know he will never let me down 😂-
he is my hero cause he is good at football & he is fast and strong. he is a great runner, the college he went to was oklahoma which is my favorite team. he was a running back under the coaching of Bob stoops. he finished 2nd in the 2008 Heisman.he then went on to go with the pros
- where did he go to college a lot of people ask. he went to play for the minnesota vikings, he makes more than a million dollars a year.

His team doesn't always win but when they do, he plays great. He can run the whole field in less than 20 seconds.
thanksgiving entry

when i bite into the turkey i think thanks mom. we talk about football games and bet on who will win. we play football in our yard.
one day me & my friend were at the park in our neighborhood. there was a big tree at the park and he had challenge me into a climbing competition so i started to climb the tree, i could hear the branches breaking behind me, he was getting closer, he was on a branch right below me
/tw(blood mention)

i was halfway on another branch when it broke. i hit my chin on a lower branch. i could taste the blood building in my mouth. my arms scraped against the tree, i could feel the rough bark on my skin. i could see the ground beneath me. i heard the thud when i-
hit the ground. my arm & my mouth were covered in blood. my friend was right next to me, he helped me up. we ran to our bikes and i rode one handed home. when i got there, i was so tired. i ate then my mom took me to the bathroom to help me clean out. i had a long cut down my arm
disclaimer: tree story is real but exaggerated. Dramatized
youtube plans at 13

i should upload a hunger games video and then a rap battle.
theres a step by step plan for a let's play, planned out till episode 33.
episode 1 - introduce the series.
introduce the idea of the series.
find trees
get stone
collect 64 logs
find a good place for the house
make a house
go over the series
-end episode
episode 2
make house where we planned
make chess furnace
basic stuff
get food
get materials for decoration(stone glass, leaves, flowers, fences)
decorate your house
episode 3
touch up your house
make a farm
get animals in a pen
make a mine
mine some ores
make a bed
sugar cane, cactus, wheat farm
collect materials needed for the end
enchant bow
collect ender pearls, arrows

search for stronghold with ender eyes
if not able, collect more materials

find stronghold
build base on top of the stronghold
ladder down to it
sleep in a bed by the stronghold
ep. 17-
explore the stronghold
collect mossy stone, books, iron bars, light up the whole stronghold

finish exploring the stonehold
collect tons of cobble
make more potions
ep. 20-
fill in the portal with the ender eyes
make sure you have 5 stacks blocks
pick a bow arrows, have lots of food
make cake
enter the end

ep. 21-
make a small cobblehouse with a chest and crafting bench.
start breaking the health orbs
ep. 22-
break orbs and kill the dragon
when you kill the dragon, eat cake
stop the video right after eating cake

ep. 24-
move house into the stronghold
make the best house ever!
fun fact: dream could have probably killed the ender dragon 3x now since i started writing this thread an hour ago.
younger dream writing this series, i hope you're proud.
intro channel idea (13 yrs old)

10 sec long intro (keep it short)
faded video clip from an old video with voice over
say what you're playing and who you're playing it with
#dream journal
MC custom map idea

you are caved in when the apocalypse started
you only have a wood sword and food
you follow the cave until you reach a minecart track
you ride it but it dumps you into lava
below the lava theres water!
theres small airpockets in the underwater-
you ran into a sunken underwater town
there is schools there is one survivor & a house
he tells you what happened & how
he says that the overworld is being overrun by the dead
he says he lost his pick & he needs it back
in 1 of the houses theres a secret passage that you can find
when you enter you get trapped
lava comes seeping in
but there is a water hole leading up
you're still underground but you're in one of your old mines
you follow the tracks to an exit
you come to the surface but you're in your old house
its broken & covered in veins
zombies are all over it
the front door is locked
the key must be somewhere though
its in a chest hidden in the house you have to press a button to find it
you use it to get out but only find a deserted town full of zombies
the town is surrounded in iron bars
there's a defense building in the front of the town its overrun by zombies
you have to go through the camp to find armour, bed and weapons
there is a secret passage that leads to a safe base
there are survivors in it
theres a button you press and the floor falls out beneath you
you land in water but is surrounded by tons of zombies.
if you kill them all theres a button at the end of the hall
you press it and a staircase opens
it leads you to the surface
youre in a stone hallway
you walk a little but you see a town that is still alive
the town is surrounded in zombies but they cant get in
you see a spaceship in the middle of the town
you search the houses and meet people
they tell you that when the spaceship is complete theyre gonna use it to escape
theyre missing 2 buttons though
theres a button in one of the houses
it drops part of the wall to the town letting zombies in
but it also gives you a button
you use the button in the ship
you drop into space in a spaceship
theres a
fuck it continue the story at 1:11:00 dream still has parkour and end of the world plot. even as a kid he wanted to make hour long cinematic videos.đŸ˜©đŸ˜© https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1vOGwEVRlkvxB
you know what i feel bad. i clipped it starting where i ended. enjoy
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