Louies, louies, we have an issue... See these goals below?

Problem 1: the tweets aren't getting to as many people as intended (3K), so we should aim for higher RTs, but mostly

Problem 2: the people who are reading it, aren't following instructions +
+ if these people were following instructions with even ONE acc only, the first goal should have a minimum of 20K replies, but, ideally, 60-80K if everyone used 3-4 accs

and goal two doesn't even have the 12K replies if everyone who RTed followed the instructions with ONE acc +
+ when I say in order to win we need to follow instructions to a T, I REALLY mean it. We don't have the other's fandoms numbers, so we need people who are voting with us to commit to a minimal number per day

and that isn't happening even with the ones reading my tweets +
+ I understand people have lives and no one will spend the day creating accs and voting for Louis, which is why I tried my best to condense the votes to 3 power attacks during the day so it's easier for you to join, but it's not being effective +
+ PLEASE, >RETWEET< the tweet on my pinned. Tag louies you don't know, tag fanbases, create the minimum accs required to join the 3 massive goals, and actually follow instructions. We could potentially be making 400K+ an hour if people do those instructions +
+ and that means closing a HUGE portion of the gap each time we achieve a goal. Without union and cooperation we won't be able to make it, but there's 40 days ahead to change this outcome. FORTY.

NOTHING IS IRREVERSIBLE RIGHT NOW https://twitter.com/STATSAWARDS/status/1380322386566914051?s=20
In the Google Docs linked there are the following information (READ IT!):

- How to create new accounts using the same email
- How to unsuspend/unlock an acc without phone number
- DO's and DON'Ts of voting
- Account donations & requests to help other louies

You can follow @STATSAWARDS.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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