My heart is hurting and grieving and frustrated today with how @BethMooreLPM is not being loved well. +
My heart hurts because I’ve been there. I AM there. Homeless. And I say this as a person with a tiny little platform so I cannot imagine the weight and pain she feels. +
Yesterday she shared her heart and desire for a healthier complementarianism. One that isn’t held as a first order. She ended up being rejected by those who think she didn’t go far enough...then... +
She turns to those who doctrinally are in the same family and is rejected for not going far enough. +
It leaves those of us who are wanting to lovingly hold to conservative doctrine feeling homeless. Because we don’t hold it tight enough or angry enough for some AND for others the fact that we are even touching the doctrine leaves is anathema. +
So my heart hurts. But we aren’t alone. There are many of us. We just haven’t totally found one another yet. And more importantly I’m convinced Jesus is among us (and “them”). +
Beth, I don’t know if you’ll ever read this. But I want you to know you are loved and you aren’t alone. +
I’ve had folks messaging me and asking if I’m sorry I defended her now that she isn’t a complimentarian. I don’t believe that is necessarily true. But even if it is my answer. No! I’ll never be sorry for defending a sister in Christ. /end
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