The problem with limiting online masses is that, to be crass, not a small amount of priests decided that Covid was a vacation.
Those of us who sweated and bled and poured it all out are seeing insane numbers on parish registrations because people figured out
that some priests who are very busy telling others what their duties are, were not concerned with their own.
I’ll be crass again & forgive how blunt this is going to be, but forcing people to watch a bishops mass is not a good idea either, IMO
Bishops are selected based on a few things, but good preaching and relatability are not necessarily on that list.
In the end, had priests saw this crisis as an opportunity to bring people to Christ, Church attendance would skyrocket.
It has in both parishes I serve.
It’s a good chance for young priest to learn there’s more to priesthood than liturgy rules and for old priest to learn that battle fatigue is no reason to retreat.
I hope you’ll forgive my candor.
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