Black students going to progressive colleges and committing white supremacist hate hoaxes against their own community is a bizarre phenomenon. It happens several times a year now. I really want to know what is going on psychologically with a person who does that.
I have a theory—and this is just a theory. I wonder if black students come to college expecting to encounter the overt racism you often see in poor communities and instead encounter something worse-more insidious: white liberal coddling & condescending racism...
They enter the University, full of white progressives, who I think are the most racist people in our country right now. They deal with this babying, patronizing leftist racism that is just as dehumanizing as any other kind of racism, but they are in an environment where the...
...racism is called “anti-racism.” They are gaslit every day to believe the white liberal racism they experience is actually a good thing. Every one of these hoax attacks seem designed to paint the university community as racist. Well, they are. Maybe black students are simply...
trying to, in some weird, desperate way, to drag the insidious racism of white progressives into the open in a way that people will actually respond to. We should all be marching against the progressive woke racism of these universities, and calling it out for what it is.
...again, this is just a theory. You are welcome to pick it apart and offer alternatives. I’ve heard about the “supply to meet demand” idea, but I think there’s more to it.
There’s also the idea that we live in a narcissist culture and this is a cheap way to get attention. There’s something to that too. Many layers. (End thread)
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