I did a complex angioplasty and stenting on one elderly lady today. Her husband also was my patient for whom I had done an angioplasty and pacemaker. A fantastic gentleman full of positivity and lawyer by profession. He died last year due to cancer. She fell ill after his death.
She developed some breathlessness and swelling of feet 6 months ago but she didn't want to go to a doctor. Depression can have consequences on physical health also because people with depression are not inclined to seek medical help. #Mentalhealth #depression
Recently she was sitting and seeing some diaries of her husband and saw my name and visiting card. She remembered him talking about me and had told her - "Go to Dr Deepak Krishnamurthy at any point you think you need a Cardiologist". #Trust #MedTwitter
So she decided to come and get admitted. Her pumping capacity or ejection fraction was low. We stabilized her for two days and then did her angiogram and angioplasty today. It was complex but it all went well. #cardiotwitter #HeartFailure https://www.medscape.com/answers/163062-86298/when-is-angiography-indicated-in-the-evaluation-of-heart-failure
We were just discussing on my evening rounds with her and her daughter and she recollected all this. All of us were in tears. This job has its perks! And such gratification cannot be earned in any other profession IMO. If someone asked me if I would do all this again ? My answer-
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