It’s clearly that he got his tats for a reason, he enjoys them and thinks are really pretty so who the fuck do you think you ate to DEMAND him to change a part of himself? You are simple of fans out of literal MILLIONS know your fucking place.
You’re basically asking him to give up something he really likes just because you personally don’t agree with it under the guise of “caring” for him. If this doesn’t sound as OBJECTIFICATION to you idk whats in your brain anymore.
This whole thing is really angering me because he’s put off getting tats for literal YEARS, he said he’s wanted to get them since debut and maybe even before that, but only just recently he got them. Why do you think that is?
I’m just appalled by the sheer selfishness these people are exhibiting while also saying they “love” the boys. If you really loved them you would accept them as they are, knowing that their appearance/life choices doesn’t concern you in the least.
Also do you REALLY think a measly petition is gonna make him change his mind? If anything that will further fuel his love for his tats and he’s gonna get more just to spite you. Even if that petition gets signed by 7 billions people that won’t change anything bc he loves himself
just the way he is.
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