I GIVE UP, I give in, I peer pressured myself into it, time to incriminate myself on the internet for 233 people to see 👉👉

["like this tweet for an obscure fact about me"] https://twitter.com/monstxrguts/status/1379739489720020995
1. When I was 8 years old I got second place in a competition to voice a character in the Norwegian dub of Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea. I found the ad on a cereal box.
2. I love travelling by airplane! It doesn't scare me at all, and I find the sight of the world below breathtaking, every time, especially at night. Even outside of global pandemic time I'm rarely ever on flights, though, since it's so expensive and environmentally uncool.
3. My dad and I communicate mainly through various noises, and like, projecting pure vibes in each other's direction. If words need to happen, we gotta bring in my mum to translate.
4. I taught myself how to do cartwheels, whistle, and click my fingers out of pure spite, because I didn't wanna be the one kid in school who couldn't. I haven't maintained the cartwheels recently, but I can kinda still do one!!
5. I once spent an entire afternoon locked in the school gym because I was hiding from bullies, and then the local football club started practice there, unaware that I was still hiding behind the mats leaning on the wall, so I just?? Stayed there?? Until like 8 pm??
6. I know the basics of fire arts (setting people on fire, fire eating, spinning, that sort of stuff) and I really wish I had more occasions to (safely) practice it!
7. tlhIngan Hol qolqoS vIjatlh.
8. The funniest translation I've ever had to do at work was for the product "Skeleton In Bush (Bush Not Included)" ☠🌳
9. I'm in 50 discord servers. That's fifty. Five-zero. Someone help me.
10. My ""dream jobs"" (term very liberally applied) from childhood until now have been: Author, ghost and/or ghostbuster, marine biologist, paleontologist, librarian, forensic pathologist, house linguist in a newspaper, autopsy technician.
11. Some books I was obsessed with as a kid include:
- the Dinotopia series
- The Invention of Hugo Cabret
- a Norwegian book about the history of math called Ånden i Blekkhuset ("The Genie in the Ink Pot")
- Coraline
- His Dark Materials, specifically The Amber Spyglass
12. Not to be an autistic stereotype or anything, but I fucking LOVE dinosaurs. I'm building an army out of the dino plushies from IKEA. They're all named after Scandinavian authors. So far I have a triceratops called Henrik "Ibsa" Ibsen and a velociraptor called Sigrid Undset.
13. My favourite genre of fiction is "humans are space orcs", a loose network of alternate universes focusing on interactions between humans and other sapient space age species, to whom humans are the weirdly resilient little sibling willing to pack bond with literally anything.
15. Thread continued here because I've forgotten how to untag 👉👉

In RPGs, I naturally gravitate towards healer characters, like clerics and medical officers. I like being able to protect/help others.
16. My favourite sport is underwater rugby, but specifically with my old swim team's home rules.
17. I'm terrified of and confounded with the concept of road rage. It makes me want to trash every effort I've made to learn how to drive and just stay out of traffic forever.
18. I grow my own chilies!!🌶
19. I'm a second language English speaker and most of my vocabulary comes from reading...which means I until recently pronounced "bygones" as "biggonies".
20. I love people, but I hate socialising with just one person at a time, which means that pandemic-regulated social groups is a nightmare. Ideally I'd have lots of friends and never have to see any of them one-on-one. I have no idea where this very specific anxiety came from.
21. I feel very strongly about the ~vibes~ of numbers. My favourite is 21!

Some other good numbers include 91, 27, 355 and 34. Some bad numbers include 88, 45, 26, 787, and 16.
(Most of it is probably nonsense, some, like the first in bad numbers, because of connotations. The digit 8 has become irredeemable in my internal number value ranking system.)

22. I was heartbroken and inconsolable for days when Pluto lost its planet status.
23. I've only very lightly fractured one bone in my body -- my right patella, in a bus accident a couple years ago. I refused to let the driver call an ambulance and walked(!) home, where I tried to hide it, along with a skinned and nearly dislocated elbow, from my parents 🤦‍♂️
24. I really struggle to read zeroes in a row for some reason?

Looking at something like [10000], I have no chance at telling you what number it is.

This also makes it hard to parse scientific notation (a × 10^n).
25. Despite going to circus summer school as a kid, I can't juggle. Ye(e)t!
26. According to my friends, my fursona would be a raccoon. And like, really, what am I but a funky little rascal with tiny hands?
27. I'm an optimist at heart. If you don't think life's inherent meaninglessness is an excellent excuse to be good to your fellow creatures, I don't know what to tell ya. Like, dude, yeah, I know we're all gonna die soon, but I for one intend to have an alright time before I go✌
28. I hold the distance record for hypoxic swimming at my old swim club. After 76 metres (ie. three pool lengths + a flip) I passed out, and our coach had to fish me out of the water. I was fine, though! And I'm still proud of those 76 metres 😎
Last one!

I really struggle to be proud of myself for anything I've ever done, so I promised myself I wouldn't self-deprecate in this thread, but now it just sounds humblebrag-y :((

Anyway, 29, I have an irrational fear of fibreglass wall insulation.
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